Paper - Review
DOI: 10.1016/j.copbio.2020.07.010
❗: The recent developments
← of 1⃣ high-throughput bulk 2⃣ single-cell sequencing technologies
→ accelerated the understanding of the immune repertoire dynamics
← combined to transcriptomics
❗: profiling of (cellular repertoires)
← in 1⃣ health 2⃣ disease
→ require statistical metrics
→ to capture (clonal diversity) ← characterized by 1⃣ clones frequency 2⃣ repertoire richness 3⃣ convergence
❗: present → the common technologies of 1⃣ bulk 2⃣ single-cell sequencing of T-cell receptors
❗: discuss → current knowledge ← regarding computational tools
← 1⃣ clustering 2⃣ predicting specificity of TCR repertories
← based on shared structural motifs
❗: review main indices → for 1⃣ repertoire diversity 2⃣ convergence analyses
∴ these tools
→ represent potential biomarkers
→ to decipher the fitness of (immune repertoires) ← in 1⃣ diseased 2⃣ treated patients
→ represent 1⃣ presages 2⃣ promises of (computational approaches)
→ to revolutionize personalized immunotherapy