Paper - Review
DOI: 10.1038/nm.4299
Microbial-community (structure & function)
→ expand & diversify → in all body site
Resemble microbiota
← from its corresponding maternal body site
→ independently of the infant's (mode of delivery)
Compositional (structure & function)
← of the human adult microbiota
→ vary by body site
More inter-individual
← than intra-individual variability over time
Differ significantly ← from adult microbiota
Compositional (structure & function)
→ are attained only after dynamic changes experienced
← during the first year of life
∴ Dynamics of microbiota (expansion & diversification)
← from birth to the first weeks of life
→ might give us clues → for understanding disease development
Aimed ← at identifying (relevant determinants)
→ shape this development
Maternal microbiome-community structure
→ was driven primarily ← by body site
Adult (vaginal & skin) microbiota
→ were the most abundant genera → across all body site of the newborn infants
→ implies → that direct maternal contact → has a strong role
Diversification was different
← from the mother's body-site microbial distribution
NO ❌ difference was detected
← between the infant and its mother
Maternal (vagina & skin) → seemed to contribute equally
→ to a majority of the early taxa
← in vaginally delivered neonates
Whether or not labor had occurred ← before delivery
→ seemed to influence → the maternal origin of neonatal microbiota
Metagenomic profiles
← which assess not only the 16S rRNA gene
←all microbial gene & their putative functions
→ clustered by age & body site
10 distinct pathways
← in the infant stool metagenome
→ were either positively or negatively correlated → with intrapartum antibiotic usage
Minor role ← of cesarean delivery
← in the composition of the microbiome
→ have indicated variation → in the neonatal
← depending on mode of delivery