Paper - Review


DOI: 10.1038/s41522-021-00232-5


❗: The human 1⃣ oral 2⃣ gut commensal microbes
→ plays vital roles
← in the 1⃣ development 2⃣ maintenance ← of immune homeostasis

❓: its association
← with 1⃣ susceptibility 2⃣ severity ← of SARS-CoV-2 infection
→ is barely understood

Investigated → the dynamics ← of 1⃣ the oral 2⃣ intestinal flora
← before & after the clearance of SARS-CoV-2
← in 53 COVID-19 patients

Examined → their microbiome alterations
← in comparison → to 76 healthy individuals

A total of 1⃣ 140 throat swab samples 2⃣ 81 fecal samples
← from these COVID-19 patients ← during hospitalization
3⃣ 44 throat swab samples 4⃣ 32 fecal samples ← from sex & age matched healthy individuals
→ were collected & subjected → to 1⃣ 16S rRNA sequencing 2⃣ viral load inspection

SARS-CoV-2 infection
→ was associated ← with alterations of the microbiome community
∵ alpha & beta diversity

Several bacterial taxa
→ were identified → related to SARS-CoV-2 infection
∴ Elevated 1⃣ Granulicatella 2⃣ Rothia mucilaginosa
→ were found ← in both 1⃣ oral 2⃣ gut microbiome

The SARS-CoV-2 viral load ← in those samples
→ was calculated → to identify (potential dynamics)
← between 1⃣ COVID-19 2⃣ microbiome

❗: Provide → a meaningful baseline
→ for microbes ← in the digestive tract of COVID-19 patients
❗: Shed light
→ on new dimensions → for 1⃣ disease pathophysiology 2⃣ potential microbial biomarkers 3⃣ treatment strategies → for COVID-19