Paper - Review


DOI: 10.1038/s41522-021-00247-y


The purpose of the present investigation
→ to characterize species-specific bacterial activity
← of the oral microbiota ← in periodontitis

❓: tested → the hypothesis
→ chronic inflammation → associated
← with (bacterial gene expression) ← of the oral microbiota

Oral microbial samples
→ were collected ← from 3 oral sites ← 1⃣ sub-gingival plaque 2⃣ tongue 3⃣ saliva
← from 1⃣ patients with periodontitis 2⃣ healthy controls

Paired meta-genomics & meta-transcriptomics
→ were used
→ 1⃣ to perform concomitant characterization of taxonomic composition 2⃣ to determine species-specific bacterial activity
← as expressed by the ratio of (specific messenger RNA reads) → to their corresponding genomic DNA reads

❗: the association of periodontitis
← with (bacterial gene expression) ← of the oral microbiota

‼: oral site → was the main determinant of (taxonomic composition) ← as bacterial gene expression
‼: periodontitis → was significantly associated
← with a reduction of carbohydrate metabolism of the oral microbiota
← at three oral sites

❗: the association of periodontitis
← with (bacterial gene expression) ← of the oral microbiota

Conditions of periodontitis
→ was associated ← with (bacterial activity) ← of local sub-gingival plaque
← also on 1⃣ tongue 2⃣ salivary microbiota

❗: periodontitis
→ associated ← with (impaired carbohydrate metabolism) ← of the oral microbiota

Future longitudinal & interventional studies
→ are warranted
→ to evaluated the potential pathogenic role ← of impaired bacterial carbohydrate metabolism
← in 1⃣ periodontitis 2⃣ other diseases ← with low-grade inflammation