Paper - Review
DOI: 10.1038/s41568-019-0209-6
Resistance → to cancer therapy
→ remain a major challenge ← in clinical oncology
❗: the initial treatment → is often successful → resistance ❗
← characterized by 1⃣ tumor relapse 2⃣ tumor spread
→ is discouraging
The majority of studies
← devoted to investigating → the basis of resistance
→ have focused ← on tumor-related changes
→ contribute to 1⃣ therapy resistance 2⃣ tumor aggressiveness
❗: The diverse roles ← of various host cells
← in promoting therapy resistance
→ have become more appreciated
Cancer therapy
→ can induce host-mediated 1⃣ local 2⃣ systemic responses
→ shift the delicate balance ← within the tumor micro-environment
∴ facilitating & supporting tumor progression
❓: how the host response
→ to different cancer therapies
→ may promote therapy resistance
← with a focus ← on therapy-induced 1⃣ immunological 2⃣ angiogenic 3⃣ metastatic effects
→ is the potential of (evaluating the host response) → to cancer therapy
← in an era of (precision medicine) ← in oncology