Paper - Review
DOI: 10.1038/s41568-019-0210-0
← the tumor micro-environment
→ highly influences → the growth and spread of tumors
∴ Impacting the patient's clinical outcome
The complement system
→ plays a major & complex role
∴ 1⃣ act to kill → antibody-coated tumor cells
2⃣ support local chronic inflammation
3⃣ hamper anti-tumor T-cell response ← favoring tumor progression
These opposing effects
→ are dependent
← upon the sites of complement activation
← upon the composition of the TME and the tumor cell sensitivity → to complement attack
The evidence
→ that has so far accrued
→ showing a role → for 1⃣ complement activation 2⃣ its effects ← on (cancer control & clinical outcome)
← under different TME contexts
Include → a new analysis of (the publicly available transcriptomic data)
→ to provide → an overview of the prognostic value ← of (complement gene expression)
The interplay of (complement components)
← within each cancer type
→ is unique
∵ governed ← by the properties of (1⃣ the tumor cells 2⃣ the TME)
This concept is → of critical importance
→ for the design of (efficient therapeutic strategies)
→ aimed → at 1⃣ targeting complement components 2⃣ their signaling