Paper - Review


DOI: 10.1038/s41591-018-0136-1


Cancer treatment
← by immune checkpoint blockade (ICB)
→ can bring long-lasting clinical benefits
❓: only → a fraction of patients
→ respond to treatment

Developed → TIDE
→ a computational method → to model (two primary mechanisms) ← of tumor immune evasion
→ 1⃣ the induction of T-cell dysfunction in tumors ← with high infiltration of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes
→ 2⃣ the prevention of T-cell infiltration ← in tumors with low CTL level

Identified → signature of T-cell dysfunction
← from large tumor cohorts
→ by testing → how (the expression ← of each gene in tumor) interacts ← with the CTL infiltrations level
→ to influence patient survival

Modeled factors
← that exclude T-cell infiltration into tumors
→ using expression signatures from immunosuppressive cells

→ predicted the outcome of melanoma patients
← treated with 1⃣ first-line anti-PD1 2⃣ anti-CTLA4 more accurately
← than other biomarkers ← e.g. 1⃣ PD-L1 level 2⃣ mutation load

→ revealed new candidate ICB resistance regulators
→ demonstrating utility → for immunotherapy research