Paper - Review


DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00360-19


Development of (dental plaque)
→ begins ← with the adhesion of (salivary bacteria)
→ to the acquired pellicle ← covering the tooth surface

Collected ← in vivo dental plaque
← formed on hydroxyapatite disks for 6 h ← from 74 young adults
Identified → initial colonizing taxa
← based on full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences

A long-read & single-molecule sequencer
→ provided 100,109 high-quality full-length 16S rRNA gene sequence reads
← from the early plaque microbiota
← which were assigned → to 90 oral bacterial taxa

The microbiota
→ obtained ← from every individual mostly comprised the 21 predominant taxa
← with the maximum relative abundance of over 10%
← which included Streptococcus species ← as non-streptococcal species

A hierarchical cluster analysis
← of their relative abundance distribution
→ suggested → 3 major patterns of microbiota compositions

❗: No notable variations
← in the community structures
→ were associated ← with the dental caries status
❗: total bacteria amount → were larger
← in the subjects with a high number of caries-experienced teeth
← than in those with (no & a low number) of caries-experienced teeth

❗: Bacterial taxa
→ primarily involved ← in early plaque formation
← on hydroxyapatite disks ← in young adults


Selective attachment of (salivary bacteria) → to the tooth surface
→ is an initial & repetitive phase ← in dental plaque development

Employed → full-length 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis
← with a high taxonomic resolution
← using a third-generation sequencer
→ to determine the bacterial composition
← during early plaque formation ← in 74 young adults (accurately & in detail)

21 bacterial taxa
→ primarily involved ← in early plaque formation ← on hydroxyapatite disks in young adults
← which include several streptococcal species

NO ❌ notable variations ← in the microbiota compositions
→ were associated ← with 1⃣ the dental caries status 2⃣ maturation process
∴ Play an important role
← in the development of (dysbiotic microbiota)
← associated with dental caries