Paper - Review
DOI: 10.1136/jitc-2021-002531
Neoantigen (NeoAg) peptides
← displayed at tumor cell surface ← by human leukocyte antigen molecule
→ show exquisite (tumor specificity)
→ can elicit T-cell mediate tumor rejection
❓: few NeoAgs
→ are predicted → to be shared between patients
❓: None ← to date
→ have demonstrated therapeutic value
← in the context of vaccination
A phase I trial ← of personalized NeoAg peptide vaccination (PPV)
← of 24 stage III/IV NSCLC patients
← who had previously progressed following multiple conventional therapies
← including 1⃣ surgery 2⃣ radiation 3⃣ chemotherapy 4⃣ tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)
❗: Primary endpoints ← of the trial
→ evaluated → 1⃣ feasibility 2⃣ tolerability 3⃣ safety of the personalized vaccinations approach
❗: Secondary trial endpoints
→ assessed → tumor-specific 1⃣ immune reactivity 2⃣ clinical responses
9 → continued TKI therapy
← concurrent with PPV
7 → received PPV alone
∵ of the 16 patient with EGFR mutations
24 → were immunized
← with personalized NeoAg peptides
∵ out of 29 patients ← enrolled in the trial
Median 1⃣ PFS 2⃣ OS
← of the 24 vaccinated patients
→ were 1⃣ 6.0 2⃣ 8.9 months
7 RECIST-based objective clinical responses
← including one complete response
→ were observed
← within 3-4 months ← following initiation of PPV
❗: all 7 clinical responders
→ had EGFR-mutated tumors
‼: including 4 patients
→ had continued TKI therapy ← concurrently with PPV
5 of 7 responding patients
→ demonstrated vaccine-induced T-cell responses
→ against EGFR NeoAG peptides
∵ Immune monitoring
2 highly shared EGFR mutations
← 1⃣ L858R 2⃣ T790M
→ were shown → to be immunogenic
← in four of the responding patients
∴ Increases ← in peripheral blood neoantigen-specific CD8+ T-cell frequencies
← during the course of PPV
❗: Personalized NeoAg vaccination
→ is feasible & safe
→ for advanced-stage NSCLC patients
EGFR mutations
→ constitute → shared & immunogenic neoantigens
← with promising immuno-therapeutic potential
→ for large subsets for NSCLC patients
← with concurrent EGFR inhibitor therapy
→ was well tolerated
→ may have contributed → to the induction of PPV-induced T-cell responses