Paper - Review


DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-20-0263


❗: Enrichment of the lower airway microbiota
← with oral commensals
→ commonly occurs

❗: Some of these bacteria
→ can trigger host transcriptomic signatures
← associated with carcinogenesis

❗: this lower airway dysbiotic signature
→ was more prevalent
← in the stage IIIB-IV tumor-node-metastasis lung cancer group
→ is associated ← with poor prognosis
∵ 1⃣ Decreased survival among subject ← with early-stage disease (I-IIIA)
2⃣ worse tumor progression ← measured by RECIST scores ← with stage IIIB-IV disease

This lower airway microbiota
→ was associated ← with upregulation ← of 1⃣ IL17 2⃣ PI3K 3⃣ MAPK 4⃣ ERK pathways
← in airway transcriptome

∴ Identified → V. parvula
← as the abundant taxon ← driving this association

❗: Lower airway dysbiosis ← with V. parvula
→ led → to 1⃣ decreased survival 2⃣ increased tumor burden & inflammatory phenotype 3⃣ activation of checkpoint inhibitor markers


Gut microbiota
→ affects → host immune response → to immunotherapy in cancer

❗: Local airway microbiota
→ modulates → the host immune tone ← in lung cancer
∴ Affecting 1⃣ tumor progression 2⃣ prognosis