Paper - Review


DOI: 10.1186/s12943-022-01543-7


Invasive techniques
→ for 1⃣ diagnosing 2⃣ monitoring cancers
→ are slowly being replaced ← by non-invasive methods

Liquid biopsies
→ have drastically revolutionized → the field of clinical oncology
→ 1⃣ offering ease ← in tumor sampling 2⃣ monitoring by repeated sampling 3⃣ devising personalized therapeutic regimens 4⃣ screening → for therapeutic resistance

Liquid biopsies
→ consist ← of isolating tumor-derived entities
← 1⃣ circulating tumor cells 2⃣ circulating tumor DNA 3⃣ tumor extracellular vesicles 4⃣ etc.
→ present ← in the body fluids of patients with cancers
← followed by an analysis of (genomic & proteomic data) ← contained within them

Methods → for isolation & analysis of liquid biopsies
→ have rapidly evolved ← over the past few years
← as described in the review
∴ Providing greater details ← about tumor characteristics
∴ 1⃣ tumor progression 2⃣ tumor staging 3⃣ heterogeneity 4⃣ gene mutations 5⃣ clonal evolution 6⃣ etc.

Liquid biopsies
← from cancer patients
→ have opened up newer avenues
← in 1⃣ detection and continuous monitoring 2⃣ treatment ← based on precision medicine 3⃣ screening of markers → for therapeutic resistance

❓: the technology of (liquid biopsies) → is still evolving
❗: its non-invasive nature → promises
→ to open new eras ← in clinical oncology

∴ The purpose of this review
→ to provide an overview of the current methodologies
← involved in 1⃣ liquid biopsies 2⃣ their applications ← in isolating tumor markers
→ for 1⃣ detection 2⃣ prognosis 3⃣ monitoring cancer treatment outcomes