Paper - Review


DOI: 10.1186/s40168-017-0252-z



Periodontitis → results from the interaction
← between 1⃣ a subgingival biofilm 2⃣ host immune response

Changes ← bioflim composition
→ are thought → to disrupt homeostasis ← between 1⃣ the host 2⃣ subgingival bacteria
∴ Periodontal damage

Chronic stystemic inflammatory disorders
→ have been shown → to affect 1⃣ the subgingival microbiota 2⃣ clinical periodontal status

❓: this relationship → has NOT been examined
← in subjects with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

❗: the objective of our study
→ to investigate the influence of SLE
← on 1⃣ the subgingival microbiota 2⃣ its connection ← with periodontal disease and SLE activity


❗: evaluated 52 patients with SLE
← compare to 52 subjects without SLE

❗: subject → were classified
← as 1⃣ without periodontitis 2⃣ with periodontitis

Oral microbiota composition → was assessed
← by amplifying the V4 region of 16S rRNA gene
← from subgingival dental plaque DNA extracts

These amplicons → were examined
← by Illumina MiSeq sequencing


❗: SLE patients
→ exhibited higher prevalence of periodontitis ↑
← which occurred at a younger age ← compared to subjected of the control group

More severe form of periodontitis
→ were found in SLE subjects
← that 1⃣ higher bacterial loads 2⃣ decreased microbial diversity

Bacterial species
← frequently detected in periodontal disease
→ were observed ← 1⃣ in higher proportions in SLE patients 2⃣ in periodontal healthy sites
→ e.g. 1⃣ Fre. 2⃣ Pre. 3⃣ Sel.

∴ Changes ← in the oral microbiota
→ were linked → to increased local inflammation
∵ Higher concentration of 1⃣ IL-6 2⃣ IL-17 3⃣ IL-33 ← in SLE patients with periodontitis


SLE → is associated
← with differences in the composition of the microbiota
← independently of periodontal status