Paper - Review


DOI: 10.1186/s40168-018-0472-x



❗: imbalances ← of (gut microbiota composition)
→ are linked → to a range of metabolic perturbations

❗: examined → the gut microbiota of 1⃣ women ← with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) 2⃣ normoglycaemic pregnant women ← in late pregnancy & about 8 months postpartum


Gut microbiota
← of 1⃣ women with GDM 2⃣ healthy pregnant women
← in the third trimester & 8 month postpartum
→ were assessed ← by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing of the V1-V2 region

❗: 1⃣ Insulin 2⃣ glucose homeostasis
→ were evaluated ← by a 75g 2-h oral glucose tolerance test
← during & after pregnancy


Gut microbiota ← of women with GDM
→ was aberrant ← at multiple levels← including 1⃣ phylum 2⃣ genus levels
← compared with normoglycaemic pregnant women

∴ 1⃣ Act. ← at phylum level: 2⃣ Col. 3⃣ Rot. 4⃣ Des. ← at genus level
→ has a higher abundance ← in the GDM cohort

∴ Difference ← in abundance of 17 species-level OTUs
← during pregnancy
→ was associated with GDM

After adjustment → for pre-pregnancy BMI
∴ 5 / 17 OTUs → showed differential abundance ← in GDM cohort
← compared with the normoglycaemic pregnant women ← with enrichment of species

❗: Akk. OTUs → were associated ← with lower insulin sensitivity
❗: Chr. OTUs → were associated ← with higher fasting plasma glucose concentration

1⃣: OTU richness 2⃣ Shannon index
→ decreased ↓ ← from late pregnancy to postpartum
← regardless of metabolic status

❗: The microbiota of women
← with previous GDM
→ was still characterized ← by an aberrant composition

❗: 13 OTUs → were differentially abundant
← in women with previous GDM
∵ Comparing ← with women with previous normoglycaemic pregnancy


❗: GDM ← diagnosed in the third trimester of pregnancy
→ is associated ← with a disrupted gut microbiota composition
∵ compared ← with normoglycaemic pregnant women

❗: differences ← in the gut microbiota signatures
→ are still detectable

❗: The gut microbiota composition ← women with GDM
← both 1⃣ during 2⃣ after pregnancy
→ resembles the aberrant microbiota composition
∵ reported ← in non-pregnant individuals with type 2 diabetes
∵ associated intermediary metabolic traits