Paper - Review
DOI: 10.3390/nu9080835
The majority of foods
← that are consumed in our developed society
→ have been processed
→ promotes a non-enzymatic reaction
← between 1⃣ proteins 2⃣ sugars
∴ the Maillard reaction
Maillard reaction products
→ contribute to the 1⃣ taste 2⃣ smell 3⃣ color of many food products
→ ∴ influence consumers' choices
→ have been linked
→ to increasing prevalence of 1⃣ diet-related 2⃣ inflammation-related non-communicable diseases
∵ food allergy
❗: A better understanding of (immunogenicity of MRPs)
→ has been achieved
❓: only little is known
← about the 1⃣ structural 2⃣ chemical characteristics predisposing MRPs
→ to interact ← with antigen presenting cells
∴ Provides → a comprehensive review of recent studies
← on the influence of the Maillard reaction
← on the 1⃣ immunogenicity 2⃣ allergenicity ← of food proteins